Wednesday 7 May 2014

Where The Wild Things Play

Wildplay is based at Herefordshire Nature Trust and encourages children to explore the outdoors. One way they do this is through their WildPlay Area, which offers environmental play activities for children.

They have also produced an activity pack, which encourages children to interact with the outdoor world.
The symbols on this page make it easy to identify what type of location a certain area is or which season the activities are best performed in. The symbols are easily understood, obviously represent what they do with clear imagery.
The layout of the activity sheets is very playful, almost messy. Text winds it way across the page, with imagery to stop it becoming overwhelming. Only green has been used but I feel like the pages could stand out more if they had other brighter colours too.

Explaining nature activities.
 Other activities. Creative ways of making nature fun for children.
Again, these activities make the most of nature. Den building, cloud gazing... there is a lot that can be done outside.
Encouraging skills such a tracking.
I love this idea - of having children tick things off as they find them. This encourages them to be on the alert all the way through the trail without them getting bored. The 3D design of the pages also add an extra fun level of interactivity.
Educating about different types of leaves. Clear illustrations.
Educating about different fruits and seeds.

Overall this activity sheets really make the most of nature. Not only do they educate children about things they probably didn't know about, but they also create fun ways to engage children in nature.


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